Female Hungarian Names and Their Significant Meanings
Updated: 3 May 2024
Female Hungary Names are a beautiful reflection of the country’s long past.
They combine elements from many languages and cultures while still being uniquely Hungarian.
Names for women in Hungary, in particular, have a feeling of tradition, elegance, and often a deep cultural meaning.
Let’s explore the interesting world of Hungarian girl names and discover what they mean and where they came from.
Famous Female Hungarian Names:
Here are 30 Hungarian female names that belong to prominent figures throughout history:
- Ágnes (Pure, chaste): Ágnes Heller, philosopher
- Erzsébet (God is my oath): Erzsébet Báthory, noblewoman (infamous for alleged serial killings)
- Erzsébet (God is my oath): Erzsébet, Queen of Hungary (renowned for her charity)
- Friderika (Peaceful ruler): Friderika Brunszviki, Queen of Hungary
- Gizella (Pledge): Gizella of Bavaria, Queen of Hungary
- Ilona (Light): Ilona Zrínyi, Hungarian noblewoman and military leader
- Judit (Praised): Judit Polgár, chess grandmaster
- Katalin (Pure): Katalin Karikás, Olympic champion fencer
- Katalin (Pure): Katalin Révay, wife of composer Franz Liszt
- Magdolna (Tower): Magdolna Nádasdy, poet and writer
- Mária (Mary): Maria Theresa, Holy Roman Empress and Queen of Hungary
- Mónika (Advisor): Mónika Kovacsoczy, Olympic champion swimmer
- Zsuzsa (Lily): Zsuzsa Koncz, singer and actress
- Zsuzsa (Lily): Zsuzsa Jakab, Olympic champion gymnast
- Zsófia (Wisdom): Zsófia Mészáros, Olympic champion canoeist
- Emese (Dream): Emese, legendary founder figure of the Magyars
- Ildikó (Battle-maiden): Ildikó, wife of Attila the Hun (legendary figure)
- Klára (Clear, bright): Klára Dósa, legendary figure who led a peasant uprising
- Andrea (Strong, manly): Andrea Bocskor, actress
- Eszter (Star): Eszter Balint, actress
- Éva (Life): Éva Ruttkai, actress
- Erika (Ever-ruler): Erika Marozsán, actress
- Brigitta (Exalted one): Brigitta Buczek, Olympic champion kayaker
- Katinka (Pure): Katinka Hosszú, multiple Olympic champion swimmer
- Ágnes (Pure, chaste): Ágnes Heller, philosopher (mentioned earlier)
- Mária (Mary): Mária Molnár, mathematician
- Flóra (Flower): Flóra Kádár, model and television personality
- Henriett (Ruler of the home): Henriett Ónodi, Olympic champion fencer
- Nóra (Light): Nóra Reichardt, filmmaker
- Zrínyi Ilona (Light): See Ilona Zrínyi
Common Female Hungarian Names:

Here are common female Hungarian names with meanings:
- Abigél (Father’s joy): A biblical name meaning “father’s joy”.
- Adél (Noble): A Germanic name meaning “noble” or “of noble kind”.
- Ágnes (Pure, chaste): A Greek name meaning “pure” or “chaste”.
- Agócs (Eagle): A Hungarian name meaning “eagle”.
- Ajsa (Light, moonbeam): A Hungarian name meaning “light” or “moonbeam”.
- Alexandra (Defender of mankind): A Greek name meaning “defender of mankind”.
- Andrea (Strong, manly): A Greek name meaning “strong” or “manly”.
- Anna (Grace, favor): A Hebrew name meaning “grace” or “favor”.
- Anikó (Enikő’s diminutive, meaning unknown): The meaning of Anikó is unknown, but it is likely derived from the older Hungarian name Enikő. 1 Beatrix (Blessed): A Latin name meaning “blessed”.
- Beáta (Traveler): A Latin name meaning “traveler”.
- Bettina (Blessed): A Latin name meaning “blessed”.
- Bianka (White): A Germanic name meaning “white”.
- Boglárka (Boglar, a type of flower): A Hungarian name derived from the name of a flower called boglár.
- Brigitta (Exalted one): A Celtic name meaning “exalted one”.
- Csilla (Star): A Hungarian name meaning “star”.
- Dóra (Gift): A Greek name meaning “gift”.
- Dorina (Dóra’s diminutive): A diminutive form of the name Dóra.
- Dorottya (Gift of God): A Greek name meaning “gift of God”.
- Edina (One, unique): A Hungarian name meaning “one” or “unique”.
- Eliza (God is my oath): A Hebrew name meaning “God is my oath”.
- Emese (Dream): A Hungarian name meaning “dream”.
- Erika (Ever-ruler): A Germanic name meaning “ever-ruler”.
- Erzsébet (God is my oath): A Hungarian form of Elizabeth, meaning “God is my oath”.
- Eszter (Star): A Persian name meaning “star”.
- Evelin (Hazelnut): A Germanic name meaning “hazelnut”.
- Evelyn (Hazelnut): An English variant of Evelin.
- Fanni (Free): The Hungarian form of Frances, meaning “free”.
- Flóra (Flower): A Latin name meaning “flower”.
- Fruzsina (Brisk, lively): A Hungarian name meaning “brisk” or “lively”.
- Gréta (Pearl): A Hungarian name meaning “pearl”.
- Hanna (Grace, favor): A variant spelling of Anna.
- Helga (Holy): A Germanic name meaning “holy”.
- Henriett (Ruler of the home): A Germanic name meaning “ruler of the home”.
- Hilda (Battle): A Germanic name meaning “battle”.
- Ildikó (Battle-maiden): A Hungarian name meaning “battle-maiden”.
- Imola (Immeasurable): A Latin name meaning “immeasurable”.
- Ingrid (Beautiful): A Germanic name meaning “beautiful”.
- Izabella (God is my oath): A variant spelling of Isabella, meaning “God is my oath”.
- Janka (God is gracious): The Hungarian diminutive of Jane, meaning “God is gracious”.
- Judit (Praised): A Hebrew name meaning “praised”.
- Júlia (Youthful): A Latin name meaning “youthful”.
- Kamilla (Perfect): A Latin name meaning “perfect”.
- Katalin (Pure): A Hungarian form of Catherine, meaning “pure”.
- Kinga (Woman of the Kindred): A Hungarian name meaning “woman of the kindred”.
- Lara (Laurel): A Latin name meaning “laurel”.
- Laura (Laurel): A Latin name meaning “laurel”.
- Lea (Lioness): A Hebrew name meaning “lioness”.
- Lenke (Pearl): The Hungarian diminutive of Margaret, meaning “pearl”.
- Lili (Lily): A Hungarian name meaning “lily”.
- Lilien (Lily): Another Hungarian name meaning “lily”.
- Linda (Beautiful): A Germanic name meaning “beautiful”.
- Lívia (Bluish): The Hungarian form of Livia, meaning “bluish”.
- Luca (Light): An Italian name meaning “light”.
- Lúcia (Light): A Latin name meaning “light”.
- Lujza (Famous warrior): The Hungarian form of Louisa, meaning “famous warrior”.
- Magdolna (Tower): A Hebrew name meaning “tower”.
- Maja (May): A Latin name meaning “May”.
- Mária (Mary): The Hungarian form of Mary.
- Melinda (Gentle, sweet): A Hungarian name meaning “gentle” or “sweet”.
- Mercédesz (Mercy): A Spanish name meaning “mercy”.
- Míra (Peaceful): A Slavic name meaning “peaceful”.
- Mónika (Advisor): A Greek name meaning “advisor”.
- Natália (Christmas Day): A Latin name meaning “Christmas Day”.
- Natasa (Christmas Day): A variant spelling of Natália.
- Nikolett (Victory of the people): The Hungarian form of Nicole, meaning “victory of the people”.
- Nikolett (Victory of the people): Another spelling of Nikolett.
- Noémi (Pleasant): A Hebrew name meaning “pleasant”.
- Nóra (Light): A Hungarian name meaning “light”.
- Olga (Holy): A Scandinavian name meaning “holy”.
- Orsolya (Little bear): A Hungarian name meaning “little bear”.
- Ottilia (Wealthy): A Germanic name meaning “wealthy”.
- Panna (Doll or lady): A Hungarian name meaning “doll” or “lady”, often used as a diminutive of other names.
- Petra (Rock): A Greek name meaning “rock”.
- Réka (Hope): A Hungarian name meaning “hope”.
- Rebeka (Captive): A Hebrew name meaning “captive”.
- Renáta (Reborn): A Latin name meaning “reborn”.
- Rita (Pearl): A Latin name meaning “pearl”.
- Roberta (Bright fame): A Germanic name meaning “bright fame”.
- Rozália (Rose): A Latin name meaning “rose”.
- Sára (Princess): A Hebrew name meaning “princess”.
- Stefánia (Crown): A Greek name meaning “crown”.
- Száva (Dry land): A Slavic name meaning “dry land”.
- Szilvia (From the forest): A Latin name meaning “from the forest”.
- Szofia (Wisdom): A Greek name meaning “wisdom”.
- Szofi (Diminutive of Szofia): The Hungarian diminutive of Szofia.
- Tamara (Palm tree): A Hebrew name meaning “palm tree”.
- Tímea (Honored by God): A Greek name meaning “honored by God”.
- Tünde (Fairy): A Hungarian name meaning “fairy”.
- Viktória (Victory): A Latin name meaning “victory”.
- Virág (Flower): A Hungarian name meaning “flower”.
- Virágot (Flower – accusative case): The accusative case of Virág, used in Hungarian grammar.
- Zsófia (Wisdom): Another spelling of Szofia.
- Zsuzsa (Lily): The Hungarian diminutive of Susannah, meaning “lily”.
- Zsófi (Diminutive of Zsófia): Another spelling of Szofi.
Rare Female Hungarian Names:
Rarity is the beauty of every culture, we have a list of rare female Hungarian names and their meanings:
- Abigél (Joy): Focusing on the meaning of “joy” for Abigél.
- Ágota (Good): A Hungarian name meaning “good” or “kind”.
- Ajna (Spring): A Hungarian name meaning “spring” (the season).
- Boglárka (Water lily): A less common interpretation of the name Boglárka, referencing a specific type of flower.
- Csenge (Tinkle): A Hungarian name with a charming sound, meaning “to tinkle” or “to ring”.
- Csillag (Star): A more poetic Hungarian word for “star” than the common Csilla.
- Enikő (Unknown): A name of ancient Hungarian origin with an unknown meaning.
- Erika (Eternal ruler): Highlighting the emphasis on “eternal” for Erika.
- Flóra (Flora): The Hungarian form of Flora, the Roman goddess of flowers.
- Fruzsina (Vivacious): A synonym for “brisk” is used to describe Fruzsina.
- Hajnalka (Dawn): A Hungarian name meaning “dawn” or “daybreak”.
- Ilona (Light): An alternative meaning for Ilona, besides the unknown origin.
- Kamilla (Noble): An alternative meaning for Kamilla, besides “perfect”.
- Kinga (Kindred Spirit): Emphasizing the spiritual aspect of Kinga’s meaning.
- Leila (Night): A Hungarian name meaning “night”.
- Lenke (Grace): A less common meaning for the name Lenke, besides “pearl”.
- Levente (Manly): Traditionally a masculine name, but rarely used for females with a unique twist.
- Melinda (Honey): A sweeter interpretation of Melinda’s meaning.
- Mira (Peaceful one): Specifying “one” for a more personal touch with Mira.
- Nóra (Shining light): Adding a descriptive element to Nóra’s meaning.
- Orsolya (Lioness): An alternative meaning for Orsolya, deviating from “little bear”.
- Ősz (Autumn): A Hungarian name meaning “autumn”.
- Réka (Innocence): A less common meaning for Réka, besides “hope”.
- Szilvia (Forest nymph): A mythical interpretation of Szilvia’s origin.
- Tekla (Glory of God): A Hungarian name meaning “glory of God”.
- Tímea (God-fearing): Highlighting the religious aspect of Tímea’s meaning.
- Tünde (Fairy tale): A Hungarian name that can also mean “fairy tale”.
- Villő (Wildflower): A Hungarian name meaning “wildflower”.
- Zsóka (Yellow): A Hungarian name meaning “yellow”.
- Zsömle (Bun): A playful and uncommon Hungarian name meaning “bun”.
Modern Variations:
When we make a list the female Hungarian names, we can’t forget about modern variations in names.
Adding the modern touch is an essential part of this list. Here are the names with meanings:
- Abigél (Father’s joy): A biblical name conveying a father’s immense happiness.
- Ágnes (Pure, chaste): A Greek name signifying purity and innocence.
- Ajsa (Light, moonbeam): A Hungarian name evoking a gentle, ethereal quality.
- Alexandra (Defender of mankind): A mighty Greek name meaning protector of humanity.
- Bettina (Blessed): A Latin name signifying being divinely favored.
- Bianka (White): A Germanic name symbolizing purity and innocence.
- Boglárka (Boglar, a type of flower): A Hungarian name referencing a beautiful, delicate flower.
- Brigitta (Exalted one): A Celtic name signifying high rank and nobility.
- Csenge (Tinkle): A charming Hungarian name that sounds like a gentle chime.
- Dóra (Gift): A Greek name emphasizing the preciousness of a daughter.
- Dorina (Dóra’s diminutive): A sweet and affectionate form of Dóra.
- Emese (Dream): A Hungarian name evoking a sense of mystery and possibility.
- Erika (Ever-ruler): A Germanic name suggesting strength and lasting power.
- Flóra (Flower): A Latin name representing beauty and delicate growth.
- Fruzsina (Brisk, lively): A Hungarian name signifying a vibrant and energetic personality.
- Gréta (Pearl): A Hungarian name symbolizing preciousness and value.
- Hanna (Grace, favor): A Hebrew name signifying God’s favor and elegance.
- Henriett (Ruler of the home): A Germanic name suggesting leadership and domestic strength.
- Ildikó (Battle-maiden): A Hungarian name evoking a strong and courageous spirit.
- Imola (Immeasurable): A Latin name conveying vastness and greatness.
- Jázmin (Jasmine): A Hungarian name referencing a fragrant and beautiful flower.
- Judit (Praised): A Hebrew name signifying being highly commended.
- Kamilla (Perfect): A Latin name suggesting a person with ideal qualities.
- Kinga (Woman of the Kindred): A Hungarian name signifying loyalty and belonging to a strong family.
- Lili (Lily): A Hungarian name referencing a pure, elegant flower.
- Lilien (Lily): Another Hungarian name meaning lily, offering a slightly different pronunciation.
- Linda (Beautiful): A Germanic name simply and directly conveying beauty.
- Lívia (Bluish): The Hungarian form of Livia, suggesting a calming and serene quality.
- Luca (Light): An Italian name symbolizing brightness and illumination.
- Luca (Shining): An alternative meaning for Luca, highlighting its radiance.
- Melinda (Gentle, sweet): A Hungarian name signifying a kind and pleasant personality.
- Mercédesz (Mercy): A Spanish name representing compassion and forgiveness.
- Míra (Peaceful): A Slavic name signifying calmness and tranquility.
- Natália (Christmas Day): A Latin name associated with the joy of the Christmas season.
- Nikolett (Victory of the people): The Hungarian form of Nicole, signifying triumph and collective strength.
- Noémi (Pleasant): A Hebrew name signifying agreeableness and charm.
- Nóra (Light): A Hungarian name representing illumination and hope.
- Panni (Doll or lady): A Hungarian name, often a diminutive, can suggest both playfulness and elegance.
- Petra (Rock): A Greek name signifying strength and unwavering stability.
- Réka (Hope): A Hungarian name symbolizing optimism and a positive outlook.
- Rita (Pearl): A Latin name representing preciousness and beauty.
- Sára (Princess): A Hebrew name signifying royalty and nobility.
- Száva (Dry land): A Slavic name with a unique meaning, symbolizing stability and grounding.
- Szilvia (From the forest): A Latin name evoking a connection to nature and mystery.
- Szofi (Diminutive of Szofia): A Hungarian diminutive of Szofia (Wisdom), suggesting a person with growing knowledge.
- Tamara (Palm tree): A Hebrew name signifying strength, resilience, and beauty like a palm tree.
- Tímea (Honored by God): A Greek name signifying being blessed and held in high regard.
- Viktória (Victory): A Latin name representing triumph and achievement.
- Virág (Flower): A Hungarian name simply and directly referencing the beauty and growth of flowers.
- Zsófia (Wisdom): A Greek name signifying knowledge, intelligence, and sound judgment.
In conclusion, when we learn about female Hungarian names reveals a web of history, custom, and meaning.
Every name has a history, a story, and a link to the rich glimpse of Hungarian culture.
From names with roots in the past to names that are popular now, these names show how the Hungarian people’s spirit and character have endured.
These specifications of female Hungarian names will surely impress you.
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