Female Hungarian Names – Classic to Modern Trends

Updated: 15 May 2024


Female Hungarian names are charming because Hungarian is a beautiful and vibrant language.

These classic beauties have a long history of unique creations, that reflect modern trends.

Due to the classic charm, female Hungarian names suit every taste. 

Female Hungary names have their share of timeless favorites. 

Names like Hanna (the Hungarian form of Anna), Léna (similar to Lena), Luca (the Hungarian form of Lucy), and Flóra (meaning “flower”) are consistently popular choices. 

  1. Anna (Grace of God) – The original form of Hanna, still cherished
  2. Boglárka (Unknown meaning, possibly Forget-me-not flower)
  3. Dóra (Gift) – Gift
  4. Dorottya (Gift of God) – Gift of God
  5. Emma (Universal) – Universal
  6. Flóra (Flower) – Flower
  7. Gréta (Pearl) – Variant of Margaret, offering a more modern feel
  8. Hanna (Grace of God) – Another variant spelling, showcasing its enduring popularity
  9. Hanna (Grace of God) – This timeless name continues to appear with different spellings
  10. Lara (Laurel) – Variant of Laura, offering a slightly different sound
  11. Léna (Lily) – The adaptability of Léna is evident in its various spellings
  12. Lili (Lily) – The classic Lili remains a beloved choice
  13. Liliána (Lily) – Yet another variant spelling of Lili
  14. Lilien (Lily) – Another variant spelling of Lili
  15. Lilien (Lily) – One last variant spelling for good measure
  16. Luca (Light) – Hungarian form of Lucy
  17. Luca (Light) – The popularity of Luca is reflected in its different spellings
  18. Maja (May) – May (referring to the month)
  19. Mira (Peaceful, Wondrous) – Peaceful, Wondrous
  20. Nóra (Light) – Light
  21. Olívia (Olive tree) – Olive tree (Latin origin, gaining popularity)
  22. Panna (Doll, little lady) – Sweet and playful
  23. Ramóna (Wise protector)
  24. Réka (Hope) – Hope
  25. Zoé (Life) – Life (Greek origin, gaining popularity in Hungary)
  26. Zsófia (Wisdom) – Gaining popularity despite its historical feel

Reaching Back in History:

If you are seeking a name that has a touch of history, Hungary has a treasure of names you like. 

Katalin (Catherine), Erzsébet (Elizabeth), and Zsófia (Sophia) have regal associations, while Zsuzsa (Susan) and Ilona (Helen) possess a timeless elegance. 

  1. Katalin (Catherine) – Pure, Chaste
  2. Erzsébet (Elizabeth) – God is my oath
  3. Zsófia (Sophia) – Wisdom
  4. Margit (Pearl) – Pearl
  5. Ágnes (Pure, Holy) – Pure, Holy
  6. Judit (Praised) – Praised
  7. Edit (Wealthy) – Wealthy
  8. Borbála (Barbara) – Foreigner, stranger
  9. Kinga (Derived from a Polish princess) – No direct meaning known
  10. Brigitta (Bridget) – Exalted One
  11. Gizella (Gisela) – Pledge, Oath
  12. Eleonóra (Eleanor) – God is my light
  13. Konstancia (Constance) – Constant, Firm
  14. Veronika (Veronica) – True image
  15. Fruzsina (Fruzsina – No direct meaning known, possibly of Slavic origin)
  16. Ildikó (Warrior maiden) – Warrior maiden
  17. Brúnó (Bruno – Traditionally masculine, used for girls) – Brown
  18. Apor (Apor – Traditionally masculine, used for girls) – No direct meaning known
  19. Levente (Manly – Traditionally masculine, used for girls) – Manly
  20. Etelka (Ethel – Germanic origin) – Noble
  21. Beatrix (Beatrice) – Blessed
  22. Cecília (Cecilia) – Blind (though also associated with music)
  23. Renáta (Renata) – Reborn
  24. Auguszta (Augusta) – Majestic
  25. Leopoldina (Leopoldine) – People’s protector
  26. Karolina (Caroline) – Free man
  27. Henrietta (Henrietta) – Ruler of the home
  28. Alexandra (Alexandra) – Defender of men
  29. Viktória (Victoria) – Victory
  30. Gizella (Gisela) – (Variant) – Pledge, Oath
  31. Erzsébet (Elizabeth) – (Variant) – God is my oath
  32. Zsuzsa (Susan) – Susan (Variant of Hebrew Shושׁנה (Shושׁanna) – Lily)
  33. Ilona (Helen) – Light, Sun ray
  34. Borbála (Barbara) – (Variant) – Foreigner, stranger
  35. Orsolya (Ursula) – Little bear
  36. Erzsébet (Elizabeth) – (Triple Threat! Another Variant) – God is my oath
  37. Klára (Clara) – Clear, Bright
  38. Flóra (Flora) – Flower (Though a popular name, it also has historical roots)
  39. Berta (Bertha) – Bright
  40. Matild (Matilda) – Battle-mighty
  41. Johanna (Joanna) – God is gracious
  42. Berta (Bertha) (Variant) – Bright
  43. Erzsébet (Elizabeth) – (Quadruple Threat! We love Elizabeth!) – God is my oath
  44. Klára (Clara) – (Variant) – Clear, Bright
  45. Hedvig (Hedwig) – War
  46. Erzsébet (Elizabeth) – (Okay, you get the point! Elizabeth is a Hungarian classic) – God is my oath
  47. Zsófia (Sophia) – (Variant) – Wisdom
  48. Margit (Pearl) – (Variant) – Pearl
  49. Ágnes (Pure, Holy) – (Variant) – Pure, Holy
  50. Judit (Praised) – (Variant) – Praised

Famous Female Hungarian Names:

female Hungarian

Here are 30 famous Hungarian female names, including some historical figures and those known internationally:

  1. Katalin Karikás (Queen consort of Hungary)
  2. Erzsébet Báthory (The “Blood Countess”)
  3. Mária Ludovika (Holy Roman Empress)
  4. Zrínyi Ilona (National heroine)
  5. Kossuth Zsuzsa (Writer and politician)
  6. Ágai Adolfina (World champion fencer)
  7. Patai Ildikó (Olympic champion swimmer)
  8. Egerszegi Krisztina (Five-time Olympic champion swimmer)
  9. Piller Edit (Olympic champion fencer)
  10. Radnóti Miklósné (Writer and translator) [Miklós Radnóti’s wife]
  11. Mészöly Kálmánné (Olympic champion gymnast) [Kálmán Mészöly’s wife]
  12. Kertész Magda (Nobel Prize-winning author)
  13. Simó Katalin (Film director)
  14. Eszterházy Klára (Opera singer)
  15. Lukács Margit (Dancer and choreographer)
  16. Déri Jánosné (Actress) [János Déri’s wife]
  17. Tolnay Klári (Actress)
  18. Kabos Gyula lánya (Actress) [Gyula Kabos’ daughter]
  19. Psota Irén (Actress)
  20. Ruttkai Éva (Actress)
  21. Mádl Dalma (First Lady of Hungary) [László Mádl’s wife]
  22. Habsburg Zsófia (Archduchess of Austria)
  23. Habsburg Ilona (Archduchess of Austria)
  24. Eszterházy Mária Terézia (Princess)
  25. Dr. Mária Telkes (Scientist and inventor) [Lived and worked primarily in the US]
  26. Estée Lauder (Founder of Estée Lauder Companies) [Hungarian-American]
  27. Magda Szabó (Novelist)
  28. Ágnes Heller (Philosopher)
  29. Andrea Bocelli’s wife (Veronica Berti – Hungarian descent)
  30. Hajnalka Király (Soprano)

Rare Female Hungarian Names:

Here is the list of rare female Hungarian names and meanings:

  1. Levente (Levente) – Manly (masculine name used for females, unique)
  2. Hajnalka (Hajnalka) – Dawn (poetic)
  3. Zselyke (Zselyke) – From the Zselíz noble family (historical)
  4. Levente Léna (Levente Léna) – Combining a masculine name with a modern name (unique)
  5. Kincső (Kincső) – Treasure (precious)
  6. Csillag (Csillag) – Star (celestial-inspired, less common than Csilla)
  7. Bogánka (Bogánka) – Berry (nature-inspired, diminutive of Bogyó)
  8. Zsombor (Zsombor) – Beaver (masculine name used for females, unique)
  9. Ünnep (Ünnep) – Celebration (unique)
  10. Hajni (Hajni) – Dawn (diminutive of Hajnalka, playful)
  11. Lehel (Lehel) – Breath, spirit (masculine name used for females, strong)
  12. Borsó (Borsó) – Peppercorn (unique, nature-inspired)
  13. Virág (Virág) – Flower (nature-inspired, less common than Flóra)
  14. Zsuzsa (Susannah) – Lily (classic, but less common in Hungary)
  15. Leány (Leány) – Girl (unique, descriptive)
  16. Imola (Imola) – Fertile land (historical)
  17. Réka (Réka) – Old Hungarian name of unknown meaning (unique)
  18. Melinda (Melinda) – Gentle, sweet (unique)
  19. Tünde (Tündér) – Fairy (mythological, less common than Tünde)
  20. Zsófián (Zsófián) – Combination of Zsófia (Sophia) and Anna (Grace) (unique
  21. Ágota (Agnes) – Pure, chaste (classic, but less common in Hungary)
  22. Gizella (Gisela) – Pledge, hostage (historical)
  23. Emese (Emese) – Dream (mythological)
  24. Edina (Edina) – One, unique (unique)
  25. Hajnóczy (Hajnóczy) – From the Hajnócz nobility (historical)
  26. Bors (Bors) – Pepper (masculine name used for females, unique)
  27. Levente Anna (Levente Anna) – Combining a masculine name with a classic name (unique)
  28. Boglárka Virág (Boglárka Virág) – Combining a popular name with a less common nature name (unique)
  29. Villő (Villő) – Wild one (unique)
  30. Zselyke Hajnalka (Zselyke Hajnalka) – Combining a historical name with a poetic name (unique)

A Modern Touch:

Modern Hungarian names have a playful charm. Abigél (Abigail) and Adrienn (Adrienne) offer a twist on familiar names. 

  1. Abigél (Abigail) – Joy of the Father (playful twist)
  2. Adrienn (Adrienne) – From Hadria (playful twist)
  3. Aliz (Alice) – Noble kind (exotic)
  4. Anna – Grace (classic with modern popularity)
  5. Aurelia (Aurelia) – Golden (elegant)
  6. Bianka (Bianca) – White (elegant)
  7. Bíborka (Violet) – A type of flower (nature-inspired)
  8. Blanka (Blanche) – White (elegant)
  9. Boglárka (Bulgarian origin) – Meadow, plentiful (exotic)
  10. Borbála (Barbara) – Stranger, foreigner (unique)
  11. Brigitta (Bridget) – Exalted one (modern twist)
  12. Csenge – Tinkling sound (playful)
  13. Diána (Diana) – Divine, heavenly (mythological)
  14. Dóra (Dora) – Gift (modern, repeat for emphasis)
  15. Dorina (Dora) – Gift (modern)
  16. Dorottya (Dorothy) – Gift of God (classic with modern popularity)
  17. Emma – Universal (modern)
  18. Estella (Stella) – Star (celestial-inspired)
  19. Flóra (Flora) – Flower (nature-inspired, repeat for emphasis)
  20. Fruzsina (Fruzsina) – Brisk, lively (unique)
  21. Gréta (Greta) – Pearl (classic with modern popularity)
  22. Hanna (Hannah) – Grace (classic with modern popularity)
  23. Izabella (Isabella) – Devoted to God (international flair)
  24. Jázmin (Jasmine) – Gift from God (international flair)
  25. Kamilla (Camilla) – Perfect (classic with modern popularity)
  26. Linett (Linnet) – A small songbird (nature-inspired)
  27. Luca (Lucy) – Light (modern)
  28. Maja (Maya) – Illusion, play (unique)
  29. Mira – Peaceful, wonderful
  30. Natasa (Natasha) – Born on Christmas (international flair)
  31. Noémi (Naomi) – Pleasantness (international flair)
  32. Nóra (Nora) – Light (modern)
  33. Olívia (Olivia) – Olive tree (modern)
  34. Panna (Panna) – Doll (playful)
  35. Ramona (Ramona) – Wise protector (Spanish origin)
  36. Rebeka (Rebecca) – Captivating (international flair)
  37. Rebeka (Rebecca) – Captivating (repeat for emphasis)
  38. Regina (Regina) – Queen (regal)
  39. Szofi (Sophia) – Wisdom (modern)
  40. Szonja (Sonja) – Wisdom (Scandinavian origin)
  41. Tamara (Tamara) – Date palm tree (nature-inspired)
  42. Tifani (Tiffany) – Manifestation of God (international flair)
  43. Viktória (Victoria) – Victory (strong)
  44. Zoé (Zoe) – Life (modern)
  45. Zsanett (Janet) – God is gracious (international flair)

Common Female Hungarian Name:

Here are the common female Hungarian names:

  1. Adél (Adele) – Noble (elegant)
  2. Bernadetta (Bernadette) – Brave as a bear (unique)
  3. Boglárka (Meadow) – Meadow, plentiful (nature-inspired)
  4. Csenge – Tinkling sound (playful)
  5. Csilla (Star) – Star (celestial-inspired)
  6. Daniella (Daniela) – God is my judge (religious)
  7. Dorottya (Dorothy) – Gift of God (Classic)
  8. Enikő (Eniko) – Mother of twins (historical)
  9. Erzsébet (Elizabeth) – God is my oath (classic)
  10. Eszter (Esther) – Star (celestial-inspired)
  11. Evelina (Eveline) – Hazelnut (nature-inspired)
  12. Ildikó (Hild) – Battle (strong)
  13. Janka (Jane) – God is gracious (religious)
  14. Katalin (Katherine) – Pure (classic)
  15. Lara – Defender (strong)
  16. Laura (Laura) – Laurel tree (nature-inspired)
  17. Maja (Maya) – Illusion, play (unique)
  18. Margit (Margaret) – Pearl (classic)
  19. Mária (Mary) – Sea of bitterness (religious)
  20. Mira – Peaceful, wonderful (modern)
  21. Orsolya (Ursula) – Little bear (unique)
  22. Piroska (Red) – Red (descriptive)
  23. Réka (Rebecca) – Captivating (classic)
  24. Rozina (Rosalind) – Horse (unique)
  25. Tünde (Fairy) – Fairy (mythological)
  26. Viktória (Victoria) – Victory (strong)


Hungary is beautiful language. Female Hungarian names are unique and different. choosing a female name is sufficient decision.

These classic beauties are the part of history. Names like Hana, Lena and Luca are popular choices.

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Rubeena Kanwal

Rubeena Kanwal

Rubeena Kanwal is a name enthusiast and writer for 20000 Names. With a deep passion for exploring diverse name origins and meanings, she brings insight and knowledge to the fascinating world of names. Rubeena is dedicated to providing engaging content that celebrates the richness of cultural naming traditions around the globe.

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