Female Turkish Names – Unique Choices

Updated: 20 May 2024


Female Turkish names are known for their beauty, different meanings and connection to nature. 

These names usually evoke images of the moonlit sky, blooming flowers, and the vastness of the sea.

When you have a baby girl, and you want to give her a unique name, then female Turkish names are best for you.

Common Female Turkish Names:

Here is the list of names that we listen commonly in Turkish society:

  1. Ahu (Ah-hoo): Gazelle (Turkish origin), beautiful (Maori origin)
  2. Aleyna (Ah-lei-nah): Moonlight (Turkish origin)
  3. Arzu (Arz-oo): Desire, wish (Turkish origin)
  4. Aslı (As-luh): Origin, noble, genuine (Turkish origin)
  5. Azra (Az-rah): Pure, virgin (Arabic origin)
  6. Bahar (Ba-har): Spring (Turkish origin)
  7. Başak (Bah-shak): Ear of wheat, maiden (Turkish origin)
  8. Belgin (Bel-gin): Pure (Turkish origin)
  9. Berna (Ber-nah): Young woman (Turkish origin)
  10. Berrak (Ber-rak): Crystal clear, woman of clarity (Turkish origin)
  11. Cansu (Jan-su): Life water (Turkish origin)
  12. Defne (Def-neh): Laurel tree (Turkish origin), symbolizing victory and strength
  13. Derya (Der-yah): Sea, ocean (Turkish origin)
  14. Dilek (Di-lek): Wish, desire (Turkish origin)
  15. Ece (Eh-jeh): Queen (Turkish origin)
  16. Eda (Eh-dah): Graceful, polite (Turkish origin)
  17. Elif (Eh-lif): First letter of the Arabic alphabet, symbolizing purity
  18. Elmas (El-mas): Diamond (Turkish origin)
  19. Emel (Eh-mel): Passion, hope (Turkish origin)
  20. Esen (Eh-sen): Breeze (Turkish origin)
  21. Ferah (Feh-rah): Joyful, comfortable (Arabic origin)
  22. Filiz (Fi-liz): Sprout, shoot (Turkish origin)
  23. Gül (Gyool): Rose (Turkish origin)
  24. Gülfem (Gyool-fem): Rosebud (Turkish origin)
  25. Hande (Han-deh): Smiling (Turkish origin)
  26. Hazal (Ha-zal): Autumn leaves (Turkish origin)
  27. Ilay (Ee-lai): Water nymph (Turkish origin)
  28. Irmak (Ir-mak): River (Turkish origin)
  29. İrem (Ee-rem): Paradise (Arabic origin)
  30. Isra (Isra): Journey by night, freedom (Arabic origin)
  31. Leyla (Lay-la): Night (Arabic origin)
  32. Lila (Lee-lah): Night (Arabic origin)
  33. Melisa (Me-li-sa): Bee (Greek origin)
  34. Merve (Mer-veh): Wonder, curiosity (Arabic origin)
  35. Naz (Naz): Delicate, coquettish (Turkish origin)
  36. Nehir (Ne-hir): River (Turkish origin)
  37. Nur (Noor): Light (Arabic origin)
  38. Özlem (Oz-lem): Longing, yearning (Turkish origin)
  39. Pembe (Pem-beh): Pink (Turkish origin)
  40. Pınar (Pin-ar): Spring (Turkish origin)
  41. Rüya (Roo-ya): Dream (Turkish origin)
  42. Saadet (Sa-a-det): Happiness, bliss (Arabic origin)
  43. Selen (Seh-len): Moon (Turkish origin)
  44. Sevda (Sehv-dah): Love, passion (Turkish origin)
  45. Sevil (Seh-vil): Beloved (Turkish origin)
  46. Sıla (Suh-lah): Kinship, connection (Arabic origin)
  47. Su (Su): Water (Turkish origin)
  48. Şeyma (Shay-ma): Birthmark, beauty spot (Arabic origin)
  49. Yasemin (Ya-seh-min): Jasmine flower (Persian origin)
  50. Zeynep (Zey-nep): Precious stone (Arabic origin)

Nature’s Inspiration:

Turkish beauty plays an essential role in naming traditions.

Many names reference celestial bodies, with Ay (moon) being a popular prefix. 

Names like Ayla (moonlight), Aysu (moon water), and Aysun (beautiful as the moon) exemplify this blessed connection. 

  1. Ahu (Ah-hoo): Gazelle (beautiful creature of the plains)
  2. Ardıç (Ar-dích): Juniper tree (evergreen symbolizing resilience)
  3. Ayça (Ay-cha): Moonlit (celestial beauty)
  4. Bahar (Ba-har): Spring (season of renewal)
  5. Başak (Bah-shak): Ear of wheat (symbol of abundance)
  6. Berrin (Ber-rin): Green (lushness of nature)
  7. Çağla (Cha-la): Flowing water (like a stream)
  8. Çiçek (Chi-chek): Flower (delicate beauty)
  9. Dağgül (Da-ghool): Mountain rose (wild and strong)
  10. Deniz (De-niz): Sea (vastness and depth)
  11. Derya (Der-yah): Sea, ocean (powerful and boundless)
  12. Erguvan (Er-goo-van): Judas tree (vibrant purple flowers)
  13. Esen (Eh-sen): Breeze (gentle and refreshing)
  14. Filiz (Fi-liz): Sprout, shoot (new life emerging from the earth)
  15. Gökçe (Gok-cheh): Sky blue (vastness and serenity)
  16. Gül (Gyool): Rose (classic symbol of beauty)
  17. Gülfem (Gyool-fem): Rosebud (promise of future beauty)
  18. Irmak (Ir-mak): River (flowing with life)
  19. Işık (Ee-shik): Light (natural illumination)
  20. Kiraz (Ki-raz): Cherry tree (delicate blossoms)
  21. Kumru (Koom-roo): Turtledove (peaceful and loving)
  22. Lal (Lal): Poppy (red flower symbolizing passion)
  23. Leylak (Lay-lak): Lilac (fragrant purple flower)
  24. Meltem (Mel-tem): Wind from the sea (cool and refreshing)
  25. Nehir (Ne-hir): River (flowing with life)
  26. Nil (Nil): Nile River (powerful and life-giving)
  27. Nisan (Ni-san): April (spring month)
  28. Orman (Or-man): Forest (dense and vibrant ecosystem)
  29. Özlem (Oz-lem): Longing for the steppe (open plains)
  30. Papatya (Pa-pa-tya): Daisy (cheerful and innocent flower)
  31. Pınar (Pin-ar): Spring (source of fresh water)
  32. Selen (Seh-len): Moon (celestial beauty)
  33. Sera (Seh-ra): Greenhouse (nurturing environment)
  34. Su (Su): Water (essential element of life)
  35. Şafak (Shaf-ak): Dawn (break of day)
  36. Şebnem (Sheb-nem): Morning dew (delicate droplets)
  37. Taş (Tash): Stone (strength and stability)
  38. Tayga (Ty-ga): Coniferous forest (vast and wild)
  39. Yasemin (Ya-seh-min): Jasmine flower (fragrant and delicate)
  40. Yıldız (Yil-diz): Star (celestial beauty)
  41. Yeşim (Yeh-shim): Jade (precious stone with green hues)
  42. Yeşilin (Yesh-ee-lin): Of the green (color of nature)
  43. Yonca (Yon-ja): Clover (symbol of luck)
  44. Zeytin (Zey-tin): Olive tree (strength, peace, and wisdom)
  45. Zümrüt (Zum-root): Emerald (precious stone with green color)
  46. Çağan (Cha-an): Young deer (swiftness and grace)
  47. Sude (Soo-deh): Willow tree (graceful and adaptable)
  48. Lalale (La-la-leh): Tulip (representing perfect love)
  49. Kum (Koom): Sand (vast)

Famous Female Turkish Names:

Female Turkish

We prepared a list of famous female Turkish names and meanings. You surely are familiar with many of them.

  1. Ahdaf Soueid (Goals)
  2. Ajda Pekkan (Hope)
  3. Aleyna Tilki (Moonlight, fox)
  4. Arzu Kaprol (Desire, brave)
  5. Aslı Çakır Alptekin (Genuine, lively, brave)
  6. Aslı Erdoğan (Genuine, scholar)
  7. Aslıhan Güner (Genuine)
  8. Asuman (Sky/heaven)
  9. Ayça Ayşin Turan (Moonlit, Alive)
  10. Ayşe Kulin (Alive, graceful)
  11. Azra Akın (Virgin)
  12. Bergüzar Korel (Fragrant rose)
  13. Bircan Güler (First-born, smiling)
  14. Burcu Özçivider (Constellation, energetic)
  15. Burcu Özsoyun (Constellation, source of water)
  16. Canan Ergüder (Beloved, awakener)
  17. Canan Karatay (Beloved, black-haired)
  18. Celil Nalçacı (Exalted, sandalmaker)
  19. Demet Akalın (Harvest, intelligent)
  20. Demet Evgar (Harvest, unique)
  21. Derya Uluğ (Sea, vast)
  22. Dilara Akhan (Delightful heart, successful)
  23. Elif (First letter of the Arabic alphabet)
  24. Elif Şafak (Thousand, dawn)
  25. Esra Kazan (Breeze, cauldron)
  26. Esra Özyürektur (Breeze, brave heart)
  27. Fatma Sultan (Daughter of Prophet Muhammad)
  28. Feride (Unique, pearl)
  29. Gamze (Dimple)
  30. Gülben Ergen (Rose garden, beautiful)
  31. Gülşen (Rose)
  32. Gülten Kaya (Rose, rock)
  33. Hadise (Occurring, event) (already mentioned)
  34. Hürrem (Wife of Suleiman the Magnificent, unknown meaning) (already mentioned)
  35. Hürrem Sultan (Wife of Suleiman the Magnificent, unknown meaning)
  36. İlke (First)
  37. Işın Karaca (Ray of light, dark-haired)
  38. Kösem Sultan (Desire, powerful)
  39. Latife Tekin (Pleasant, unique)
  40. Mabel Matiz (Abstract name)
  41. Melek (Angel)
  42. Melis Gülbatır (Honey, rose)
  43. Mihrimah Sultan (Sun and moon, princess)
  44. Murat Dalkılıç (Desired, swordsman) (singer, but female name)
  45. Naz (Delicate)
  46. Nazan Öncel (Delicate, leading)
  47. Nevin (New, fresh)
  48. Nihal (Thirsty)
  49. Nilüfer (Water lily)
  50. Nur (Light)
  51. Öykü (Story)
  52. Özlem Türeci (Longing, brave)
  53. Pınar Kür (Spring, bridge)
  54. Roxelana (Another name for Hürrem Sultan, meaning unknown)
  55. Şenol Sunal (Joyful, spring)
  56. Sevda (Love)
  57. Sevda Şanlı (Love, glorious)
  58. Şeyma Subaşı (Birthmark, dawn)
  59. Sibel Eraslan (Arrow, lion)
  60. Sümeyye (High-ranking)
  61. Süreyya (Pleiades star cluster)
  62. Sıla (Kinship)
  63. Şırma Yanık (Fringe, burnt)
  64. Taha Akgöl (Pure, white lake) (News anchor, but female name)
  65. Valide Sultan (Mother)
  66. Zeynep (Precious stone)


Female Turkish names are famous with their beautiful sounds and meaningful connections with nature and history.

The world of Turkish names offers a treasure of unique naming options.

You can choose the names of your choice.

 So, dive deeper in the enchanting world of female Turkish names and discover the magic behind their meanings.

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Rubeena Kanwal

Rubeena Kanwal

Rubeena Kanwal is a name enthusiast and writer for 20000 Names. With a deep passion for exploring diverse name origins and meanings, she brings insight and knowledge to the fascinating world of names. Rubeena is dedicated to providing engaging content that celebrates the richness of cultural naming traditions around the globe.

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