Male French Names – Classic to Modern Variations

Updated: 5 May 2024


People from all over the world are interested in male French names.

Many European male names are beautiful, have a lot of history, and are artistically rich.

In this group of names for guys are both classic names and newer versions of old ones.

This post is about French boy names. You will find out what these names mean and how they connect to other people who have those names.

Common Male French Names:

Here is the complete list of the common male French names and their meanings:

  1. Adrien (Latin) – The name Adrien comes from the Latin word “Hadrianus” which means “from Hadria”, an ancient city on the Adriatic Sea.
  2. Alexis (Greek) – Alexis is derived from the Greek word “alexein” which means “to defend” or “to ward off”.
  3. Alexandre (Greek) – Alexandre is the French form of Alexander, which comes from the Greek words “alexein” (to defend) and “aner” (man). So it means “defender of men”.
  4. Antoine (Latin) – Antoine is the French form of Anthony, which comes from the Latin word “antoninus” meaning “priceless” or “highly praiseworthy”.
  5. Arnaud (German) – Arnaud is derived from the Germanic name “Arnold” which means “eagle-ruler”.
  6. Arthur (Celtic) – Arthur is a Celtic name of uncertain meaning, possibly related to the words for “bear” or “noble”.
  7. Baptiste (Greek) – Baptiste is the French form of Baptist, which comes from the Greek word “baptizein” meaning “to dip” or “to immerse”.
  8. Benjamin (Hebrew) – Benjamin comes from the Hebrew word “benyamin” meaning “son of the right hand”.
  9. Benoît (Latin) – Benoît is the French form of Benedict, which comes from the Latin word “benedictus” meaning “blessed”.
  10. Brice (Celtic) – Brice is a Celtic name of uncertain meaning, possibly related to a word meaning “power” or “strength”.
  11. Bruno (German) – Meaning “brown” or “dark-complexioned”.
  12. Camille (Latin) – Originally a Roman family name, possibly meaning “acolyte” or “attendant”.
  13. Cédric (Celtic) – Derived from the Celtic word “ceadrach” meaning “prosperous” or “kindred”.
  14. Charles (Germanic) – Meaning “free man” or “nobleman”.
  15. Christophe (Greek) – French form of Christopher, which comes from the Greek words “Christophoros” meaning “bearer of Christ”.
  16. Clément (Latin) – Meaning “merciful” or “mild”.
  17. David (Hebrew) – Included twice due to its popularity.
  18. Dorian (Greek) – From the Greek “Dōrieus” meaning “man of Doris” (a region in Greece).
  19. Édouard (German) – French form of Edward, meaning “wealthy guardian”.
  20. Élie (Hebrew) – French form of Elijah, meaning “Yahweh is my God”.
  21. Émile (Latin) – French form of Emil, meaning “rival” or “eager”.
  22. Emmanuel (Hebrew) – Meaning “God is with us”.
  23. Éric (German) – French form of Eric, meaning “ever-ruler”.
  24. Ethan (Hebrew) – Meaning “strong” or “enduring”.
  25. Étienne (Greek) – French form of Stephen, meaning “garland” or “crown”.
  26. Fabien (Latin) – French form of Fabian, meaning “bean grower”.
  27. Fabrice (Latin) – Meaning “artisan” or “craftsman”.
  28. Félix (Latin) – Meaning “lucky” or “happy”.
  29. Florent (Latin) – Meaning “flourishing” or “thriving”.
  30. Florian (Latin) – Meaning “to flourish” or “to bloom”.
  31. François (Germanic) – French form of Francis, meaning “free man”.
  32. Frédéric (German) – French form of Frederick, meaning “peaceful ruler”.
  33. Gabriel (Hebrew) – Meaning “God is my strength”.
  34. Gauthier (German) – Meaning “army ruler”.
  35. Gilles (Greek) – French form of Giles, meaning “young goat”.
  36. Guillaume (German) – French form of William, meaning “resolute protector”.
  37. Guy (German) – Short form of various Germanic names beginning with “Widu-“, meaning “forest”.
  38. Henri (German) – French form of Henry, meaning “ruler of the home”.
  39. Hugo (German) – Meaning “mind” or “spirit”.
  40. Jack (English) – Short form of John, meaning “God is gracious”.
  41. Jacques (Hebrew) – French form of James, meaning “supplanter”.
  42. Jean (Hebrew) – French form of John, meaning “God is gracious”.
  43. Jean-Baptiste (Hebrew/Greek) – Combination of Jean (John) and Baptiste (Baptist), meaning “John the Baptist”.
  44. Jérôme (Greek) – French form of Jerome, meaning “holy name”.
  45. Joachim (Hebrew) – Meaning “God will establish”.
  46. Jonathan (Hebrew) – Meaning “gift of Yahweh”.
  47. Jordan (Hebrew) – Meaning “to descend”.
  48. Julian (Latin) – Meaning “youthful” or “downy-bearded”.
  49. Jules (Latin) – French form of Julius, meaning “youthful” or “descended from Jupiter”.
  50. Julien (Latin) – French variant of Julian.
  51. Laurent (Latin) – French form of Laurence, meaning “from Laurentum” (an ancient Roman town).
  52. Léo (Latin) – Short form of Leonardo or Leopold, meaning “lion-like”.
  53. Lilian (Latin) – Meaning “lily” (the flower).
  54. Louis (German) – Meaning “famous warrior”.
  55. Lucas (Latin) – French form of Luke, meaning “from Lucania” (a region in southern Italy).
  56. Luc (Latin) – Short form of Lucas or Luke.
  57. Marc (Latin) – French form of Mark, meaning “warlike”.
  58. Marcus (Latin) – Meaning “warlike” or “dedicated to Mars” (Roman god of war).
  59. Martin (Latin) – Meaning “of Mars” (Roman god of war) or “warlike”.
  60. Mathieu (Hebrew) – French form of Matthew, meaning “gift of Yahweh”.
  61. Mathias (Hebrew) – Variant of Mathieu (Matthew).
  62. Maxime (Latin) – Meaning “greatest”.
  63. Maxence (Latin) – Variant of Maxime.
  64. Michel (Hebrew) – French form of Michael, meaning “who is like God?”.
  65. Nicolas (Greek) – Meaning “victory of the people”.
  66. Noah (Hebrew) – Meaning “rest” or “peace”.
  67. Olivier (Latin) – French form of Oliver, meaning “olive tree”.
  68. Paul (Latin) – Meaning “small” or “humble”.
  69. Pierre (Greek) – French form of Peter, meaning “rock”.
  70. Raphaël (Hebrew) – Meaning “God has healed”.
  71. Raymond (German) – Meaning “wise protector”.
  72. Rémi (Latin) – Meaning “oarsman” or “rower”.
  73. René (Latin) – Meaning “reborn”.
  74. Romain (Latin) – Meaning “from Rome”.
  75. Samuel (Hebrew) – Meaning “heard by God”.
  76. Simon (Hebrew) – Meaning “hear” or “listen”.
  77. Stéphane (Greek) – French form of Stephen (see #26).
  78. Théo (Greek) – Short form of Théodore or Théophile, meaning “gift of God” or “lover of God”.
  79. Thomas (Hebrew) – Meaning “twin”.
  80. Timéo (Greek) – Variant of Timothée, meaning “honoring God”.
  81. Valentin (Latin) – Meaning “strong” or “healthy”.
  82. Vincent (Latin) – Meaning “conquering” or “victorious”.
  83. Xavier (Basque) – Meaning “new house” or “bright house”.
  84. Yann (Hebrew) – Variant of Jean (John).
  85. Yannick (Hebrew) – Variant of Yann (John).
  86. Yohan (Hebrew) – Variant of Johann (John).
  87. Yoann (Hebrew) – Variant of Johann (John).
  88. Zacharie (Hebrew) – French form of Zachary, meaning “Yahweh has remembered”.
  89. Adam (Hebrew) – Meaning “man” or “earth”.
  90. Amaury (German) – Meaning “home-ruler” or “powerful”.
  91. Augustin (Latin) – French form of Augustine, meaning “increase” or “great one”.
  92. Bastien (Greek) – Meaning “esteemed” or “respected”.
  93. Corentin (Latin) – Meaning “from Cornouaille” (a region in Brittany, France).
  94. Enzo (German) – Meaning “ruler of the house”.
  95. Evan (Hebrew/Welsh) – Meaning “God is gracious” (Hebrew) or “young warrior” (Welsh).
  96. Gabriel (Hebrew) – Included twice due to its popularityGaspard (Persian) – Meaning “treasure keeper” or “treasurer”.
  97. Jules (Latin) – Included twice due to its popularity .

Historical Male French Names Variations:

Finding the best name for your kids is your foremost duty, So take it seriously. 

Historical names are for those who love history. Now I am sharing a list of historical male French names:

  1. Abbé Pierre (Latin) – Father Pierre (social activist)
  2. Adalard (Germanic) – Noble kind
  3. Adrien (Latin) – From Hadria (ancient city)
  4. Aimery (Germanic) – Powerful ruler
  5. Alain (Celtic) – Harmony, peaceful
  6. Amaury (German) – Home-ruler, powerful
  7. Antoine (Latin) – Priceless, highly praiseworthy
  8. Armand (Germanic) – Army man
  9. Aubert (Germanic) – Bright, noble
  10. Aubin (Germanic) – Bright-haired
  11. Baudelaire (Germanic) – Bold shelter
  12. Baudoin (Germanic) – Bold friend (included twice for emphasis)
  13. Baudouin (Germanic) – Bold friend
  14. Bernard (Germanic) – Bold as a bear
  15. Bertrand (Germanic) – Bright raven
  16. Bertrand du Guesclin (Germanic)
  17. Blaise (Greek) – To lisp, stutter (used ironically)
  18. Blaise Pascal (Greek/Latin) – Combining Blaise (to lisp) and Pascal (Easter) – refers to the famous scientist.
  19. Boniface (Latin) – Good fate
  20. Charlemagne (Germanic) – Charles the Great
  21. Charles Martel (Germanic) – Charles the Hammer
  22. Claude (Latin) – Lame (used figuratively for someone who is strong)
  23. Clément (Latin) – Merciful, mild
  24. Clovis (Frankish) – Glorious fighter
  25. Colbert (Germanic) – Neck raven
  26. Colin (Greek) – Victory of the people (variant of Nicolas)
  27. Conan (Celtic) – High chief
  28. Constantin (Latin) – Constant, steadfast
  29. Cyrano de Bergerac (Greek/Latin) – Savinien de Cyrano de Bergerac (playwright)
  30. Dagobert (Frankish) – Glorious day
  31. Diderot (Latin) – Devoted to Didier (possibly meaning desired)
  32. Étienne (Greek) – Garland, crown
  33. François I (Germanic) – Francis I
  34. François Rabelais (Germanic) – François Rabelais (writer)
  35. Frédéric Chopin (German) – Frédéric Chopin (composer)
  36. Geoffroy (Germanic) – God’s peace
  37. Geoffroy (Germanic) – God’s peace (included twice for emphasis)
  38. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (Germanic/Latin) – Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (naturalist)
  39. Godefroy (Germanic) – God’s peace (variant of Geoffroy)
  40. Guillaume d’Orange (German) – William of Orange
  41. Guillaume le Conquérant (German) – William the Conqueror
  42. Gustave Flaubert (Germanic) – Gustave Flaubert (writer)
  43. Henri (German) – Ruler of the home
  44. Henri IV (German) – Henry IV
  45. Henri Poincaré (German) – Henri Poincaré (mathematician)
  46. Honoré de Balzac (Latin) – Honoré de Balzac (writer)
  47. Hugues Capet (Germanic) – Hugh Capet
  48. Jacques Cartier (Hebrew) – James Cartier (explorer)
  49. Jacques de Molay (Hebrew) – Jacques de Molay (last Templar Grand Master)
  50. Jean-Baptiste Lully (Hebrew/Latin) – Jean-Baptiste Lully (composer)
  51. Jean de La Fontaine (Hebrew) – Jean de La Fontaine (fable writer)
  52. Jean Moulin (Hebrew) – Jean Moulin (resistance leader)
  53. Jean Valjean (Hebrew) – Jean Valjean (literary character)
  54. Joachim du Bellay (Hebrew) – Joachim du Bellay (poet)
  55. Jules Verne (Latin) – Jules Verne (author)
  56. Lafayette (Latin) – From the beech field
  57. Léonard de Vinci (Germanic) – Leonardo da Vinci (artist, inventor)
  58. Lothaire (Germanic) – Famous army
  59. Louis (German) – Famous warrior (included twice for emphasis)
  60. Louis IX (German) – Saint Louis (Louis IX)
  61. Louis XIV (German) – Louis the Great (Louis XIV)
  62. Louis XV (German) – Louis the Beloved (Louis XV)
  63. Louis XVI (German) – Louis XVI
  64. Louis XVIII (German) – Louis XVIII
  65. Marcellin (Latin) – Dedicated to Mars (Roman god of war)
  66. Marcellin Berthelot (Latin) – Marcellin Berthelot (chemist)
  67. Marcel Proust (Latin) – Marcel Proust (writer)
  68. Mathurin (Latin) – Dedicated to Mars (Roman god of war)
  69. Maurice Ravel (Latin) – Maurice Ravel (composer)
  70. Michel de Montaigne (Hebrew) – Michel de Montaigne (philosopher)
  71. Molière (Latin) – Miller (assumed stage name)
  72. Montesquieu (Latin) – From the little mount
  73. Napoléon Bonaparte (Greek/Italian) – Napoleon Bonaparte
  74. Napoléon III (Greek/Italian) – Napoleon III
  75. Nicolas Flamel (Greek) – Victory of the people (alleged alchemist)
  76. Pascal (Latin) – Easter
  77. Pierre-Auguste Renoir (Greek/Latin) – Pierre-Auguste Renoir (painter)
  78. Pierre Curie (Greek) – Pierre Curie (scientist)
  79. Raymond Poincaré (German) – Raymond Poincaré (politician)
  80. Renaud (Germanic) – Powerful counsel
  81. René (Latin) – Reborn
  82. René Descartes (Latin) – René Descartes (philosopher)
  83. Richard Coeur de Lion (Germanic) – Richard the Lionheart
  84. Robert (Germanic) – Bright fame
  85. Robert de Sorbon (Germanic) – Robert de Sorbon (founder of Sorbonne University)
  86. Roland (Germanic) – Famous land
  87. Rousseau (French) – Red-haired
  88. Saint-Exupéry (Latin) – From the falconry
  89. Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban (Greek) – Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban (military engineer)
  90. Simon Bolivar (Hebrew) – Liberator (South American revolutionary leader)
  91. Stendhal (Germanic) – From the little stand (assumed pen name)
  92. Théodore Géricault (Greek) – Gift of God (painter)
  93. Thibault (Germanic) – People’s bold
  94. Thierry (Germanic) – People’s ruler
  95. Valéry (Latin) – Strong, healthy
  96. Valéry Giscard d’Estaing (Latin) – Strong, healthy (politician)
  97. Voltaire (Italian) – Little Voltaire (assumed name)
  98. Abbé Suger (Latin) – Abbot Suger (architect, statesman)
  99. Alain-René Lesage (Celtic/Latin) – Novelist
  100. Ambrose Paré (Greek) – Surgeon
  101. Arnaud Daniel (Germanic) – Troubadour poet
  102. Baldassare Castiglione (Italian) – Italian diplomat serving France
  103. Bernard de Clairvaux (Germanic) – Abbot, theologian
  104. Bertrand du Guesclin (Germanic) – Military leader (included twice for emphasis)
  105. Blaise Pascal (Greek/Latin) – Included twice for emphasis (scientist)
  106. Charles le Chauve (Germanic) – Charles the Bald (king)
  107. Charles Martel (Germanic) – Included twice for emphasis (Charles the Hammer)
  108. Childebert I (Frankish) – King
  109. Chrétien de Troyes (Latin) – Medieval romance writer
  110. Colbert (Germanic) – Included twice for emphasis (minister)
  111. Geoffroy d’Anjou (Germanic) – Count of Anjou
  112. Geoffroy de Charny (Germanic) – Knight Templar
  113. Geoffroy Plantagenêt (Germanic) – Count of Anjou (ancestor of English Plantagenet dynasty)
  114. Geoffroy Rudel (Germanic) – Troubadour poet
  115. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (Germanic/Latin) – Included twice for emphasis (naturalist)
  116. Geoffroy Tory (Germanic) – Printer, bookseller
  117. Gilles de Rais (Greek) – Serial killer (better known as Bluebeard)
  118. Gui de Dampierre (Germanic) – Count of Flanders
  119. Guillaume Budé (German) – Humanist scholar
  120. Guillaume de Lorris (German) – Poet (author of Romance of the Rose)
  121. Guillaume du Fay (German) – Composer
  122. Guillaume Fichet (German) – Printer, scholar
  123. Guy de Maupassant (Germanic) – Novelist
  124. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (German) – Artist
  125. Henri IV (German) – Included twice for emphasis (king)
  126. Hugues Capet (Germanic) – Included twice for emphasis (king)
  127. Jacques Cartier (Hebrew) – Included twice for emphasis (explorer)
  128. Jacques Coeur (Hebrew) – Merchant, financier
  129. Jacques de Lalain (Hebrew) – Knight
  130. Jacques Offenbach (Hebrew) – Composer
  131. Jacques Tati (Hebrew) – Filmmaker
  132. Jean-Baptiste Colbert (Hebrew/Germanic) – Minister under Louis XIV (son of Colbert)
  133. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (Hebrew/Germanic) – Naturalist
  134. Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (Hebrew/Latin) – Playwright (better known as Molière)
  135. Jean-Baptiste Say (Hebrew/Latin) – Economist
  136. Jean Bart (Hebrew) – Privateer
  137. Jean Bodel (Hebrew) – Troubadour poet
  138. Jean Calvin (Hebrew) – Theologian, reformer
  139. Jean de Dunois (Hebrew) – Military leader
  140. Jean de La Fontaine (Hebrew) – Included twice for emphasis (fable writer)
  141. Jean Froissart (Hebrew) – Chronicler, historian
  142. Jean Jaurès (Hebrew) – Socialist politician
  143. Jean Le Clerc (Hebrew) – Scholar, theologian
  144. Jean Nicot (Hebrew) – Diplomat, introduced tobacco to France
  145. Jean Racine (Hebrew) – Playwright
  146. Joachim du Bellay (Hebrew) – Included twice for emphasis (poet)
  147. Joachim Murat (Hebrew) – Marshal of France under Napoleon
  148. Johannes Gutenberg (German)
  149. Johannes Gutenberg (German) – Excluded (German, not French historical figure)
  150. Johannes Kepler (German) – German astronomer and mathematician who worked in France
  151. Johannes Kepler (German) – German astronomer and mathematician who worked in France
  152. Jules Hardouin-Mansart (Latin) – Architect
  153. Jules Verne (Latin) – Included twice for emphasis (author)
  154. Lafayette (Latin) – Included twice for emphasis (revolutionary)
  155. La Hire (Latin) – Astronomer, mathematician
  156. Louis Agassiz (German) – Swiss-American naturalist who worked in France
  157. Louis de Broglie (German) – Physicist
  158. Louis Pasteur (German) – Chemist, microbiologist
  159. Louis XIII (German) – King
  160. Louis XVIII (German) – Included twice for emphasis (king)
  161. Luc de Clapiers (Latin) – Moralist, writer (better known as Marquis de Sade)
  162. Mabillon (Latin) – Benedictine monk, historian
  163. Malesherbes (Latin) – Lawyer, defended Louis XVI
  164. Manet (Latin) – Painter
  165. Marcel (Latin) – Included twice for emphasis (originally a surname)
  166. Marguerite d’Angoulême (Latin) – Queen of Navarre, patron of the arts (female, but included for historical significance)
  167. Marillac (Latin) – Marshal of France
  168. Marin Mersenne (Latin) – Mathematician, theologian
  169. Marmontel (Latin) – Novelist, playwright
  170. Matthieu Molé (Hebrew) – Chancellor of France
  171. Maurice de Sully (Latin) – Bishop of Paris, oversaw construction of Notre Dame
  172. Michelangelo (Hebrew) – Italian sculptor, painter, architect who worked in France
  173. Michel de l’Hospital (Hebrew) – Chancellor of France
  174. Michel Ney (Hebrew) – Marshal of France under Napoleon
  175. Molière (Latin) – Included twice for emphasis (playwright)
  176. Montesquieu (Latin) – Included twice for emphasis (philosopher)
  177. Napoléon III (Greek/Italian) – Included twice for emphasis (emperor)
  178. Nicolas Fouquet (Greek) – Superintendent of Finances under Louis XIV
  179. Nicolas Poussin (Greek) – Painter
  180. Nostradamus (Latin) – Astrologer, physician
  181. Odon de Cluny (Germanic) – Abbot of Cluny Abbey
  182. Pascal (Latin) – Included three times for emphasis (philosopher, mathematician)
  183. Philippe de Commines (Greek) – Chronicler, historian
  184. Pierre Abelard (Greek/Germanic) – Philosopher, theologian (mentioned as Abélard)
  185. Pierre Baille (Greek) – Philosopher, physician
  186. Pierre Curie (Greek) – Included twice for emphasis (scientist)
  187. Pierre de Fermat (Greek) – Mathematician
  188. Pierre de Rabelais (Greek) – Included twice for emphasis (writer)
  189. Pierre de Ronsard (Greek) – Poet
  190. Pierre Gassendi (Greek) – Philosopher, scientist
  191. Pierre Joubert (Greek) – Moralist
  192. Pierre Laplace (Greek) – Mathematician, astronomer
  193. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (Greek/Latin) – Jesuit priest, paleontologist, philosopher
  194. Rabelais (Greek) – Included twice for emphasis (writer)
  195. Raymond Poincaré (German) – Included twice for emphasis (politician)

Famous Male French Names:

Male French

French names usually convey elegance, history, and romance. These names reflect the French language and culture. 

We have timeless classics and modern favorites, and these names show a wide array of origins and inspirations.

Here we compile a list of famous male French names and their meanings:

  1. Abel (Αβελ – Greek): “Breath” 
  2. Achille (Ἀχιλλεύς – Greek): “Defender, protector” 
  3. Adrien (Hadrianus – Latin): “Dark” 
  4. Aimé (Amatus – Latin): “Loved” 
  5. Alain (Alanus – Celtic): “Handsome” 
  6. Alban (Albanus – Latin): “White” 
  7. Albert (Adalbertus – Germanic): “Noble, bright” 
  8. Aldric (Ealdric – Old English): “Wise ruler” 
  9. Alexandre (Ἀλέξανδρος – Greek): “Defender of the people” 
  10. Alex (Alexander – Greek): “Defender of mankind” 
  11.  Alphonse (Aldefonsus – Germanic): “Noble and ready” 
  12.  Alphonso (Aldefonsus – Germanic): Variant of Alphonse  
  13. Aime (Amatus – Latin): Variant of Aimé 
  14. Alric (Haoric – Germanic): “Ruler of all” 
  15. Ambroise (Ambrosius – Latin): “Immortal” 
  16. Amedee (Amadeus – Latin): “Lover of God” 
  17. Ansel (Anshel – Germanic): “Divine protection” 
  18. Armand (Hermann – Germanic): “Soldier” 
  19. Arnaud (Arnold – Germanic): “Eagle power”
  20. Arno (Arnold – Germanic): Variant of Arnaud (eagle ruler)
  21. Arthus (Artus – Celtic): “Bear man” 
  22. Aubin (Albinus – Latin): “White, fair” 
  23. Aubert (Adalbert – Germanic): “Bright nobility”
  24. Audebert (Adalbert – Germanic): “Noble strength” 
  25. Audric (Aldearic – Germanic): “Ruler of prosperity”
  26. Augustin (Augustinus – Latin): “Majestic” 
  27. Aurele (Aurelius – Latin): “Golden” 
  28. Auriel (Hebrew): Variant of Aurele 
  29. Avelin (Aveline – Latin): “Little bird” 
  30. Aymon (Haimo – Germanic): “Home”
  31. Baldo (Baldwin – Germanic): “Brave, bold” 
  32. Barnabe (Barnabas – Hebrew): “Son of consolation”
  33. Barthelemy (Bartholomew – Aramaic): “Son of Talmai” 
  34. Baudouin (Baldwin – Germanic): Variant of Baldo
  35. Bayard (Baiardo – Italian): “Auburn-haired” 
  36. Beaumont (French): “Beautiful mountain” 
  37. Beaufort (French): “Beautiful fort” 
  38. Beauvais (French): “Beautiful sight”
  39. Bechard (French): “Axe-hard” 
  40. Benedict (Benedictus – Latin): “Blessed
  41. Benoit (Benedictus – Latin): Variant of Benedict
  42. Berenger (Berengar – Germanic): “Bear-spear” 
  43. Bernardin (Bernard – Germanic): Variant of Bernard (“brave bear”)
  44. Bertin (Bertin – Germanic): “Bright, famous” 
  45. Blaise (Blasius – Greek): “Lisping” 
  46. Boniface (Bonifacius – Latin): “Good fate”
  47. Boucher (French): “Butcher” 
  48. Bourne (French): “Stream”
  49. Brice (Bricius – Celtic): “Speckled” 
  50. Cade (French): “Round” 
  51. Calais (French): “City of light” 
  52. Camille (Camillus – Latin): “Attendant at a religious service”
  53. Capet (French): “Cape”
  54. Carreau (French): “Quarrel, bolt” 
  55. Casimir (Casimirus – Polish): “Destroyer of peace” 
  56. Caspar (Gaspar – Persian): “Treasurer” 
  57. Célestin (Caelestinus – Latin): “Heavenly” 
  58. Clovis (Chlodowig – Frankish): “Glorious fighter” 
  59. Colas (Nicholas – Greek): Short form of Nicolas 
  60. Colin (Nicholas – Greek): Variant of Colas
  61. Constant (Constans – Latin): “Steadfast” 
  62. Corentin (Latin): “Sea” 
  63. Corneille (Cornelius – Latin): “Horn” 
  64. Cyrano (Cyran – Greek): Variant of Cyrille 
  65. Cyril (Κύριλλος – Greek): Variant of Cyrille 
  66. Damien (Damianus – Greek): “To tame” 
  67. Daniel (דניאל – Hebrew): “God is my judge” 
  68. David (דָּוִד – Hebrew): “Beloved” 
  69. Dionysus – (Greek): “Follower of Dionysius” 
  70. Didier (Desiderius – Latin): “Desired” 
  71. Dominique (Dominicus – Latin): “Belonging to God”
  72. Dorian (Dorian – Greek): “Gift of the sea” 
  73. Edouard (Edward – Old English): “Wealthy guardian” 
  74. Édouard (Edward – Old English): Variant of Edouard 
  75. Élie (אֵלִיָּהוּ – Hebrew): “The Lord is my God” 
  76. Émile (Aemilius – Latin): “Rival” 
  77. Emmanuel (עִמָּנוּאֵל – Hebrew): “God is with us” 
  78. Étienne (Stephanus – Greek): “Crown”
  79. François-Xavier (French): “Double name combining François and Xavier”
  80. Frédéric (Frederick – Germanic): Variant of Frédéric
  81. Gabriel (גַּבְרִיאֵל – Hebrew): “God is my strength” 
  82. Gaël (Gael – Celtic): “Brave prince” 
  83. Gaspard (Gaspar – Persian): Variant of Caspar 
  84. Gaston (Gaston – Germanic): “Stranger, guest” 
  85. Gauthier (Walter – Germanic): “Army ruler” 
  86. Geoffroy (Geoffrey – Germanic): “God’s peace” 
  87. Gérard (Gerard – Germanic): “Spear brave” 
  88. Gilbert (Gilbert – Germanic): “Bright pledge” 
  89. Gilles (Gilles – Greek): “Young goat” 
  90. Grégoire (Gregorius – Latin): “Watchful, vigilant”
  91. Guillaume (William – Germanic): “Resolute protector” 
  92. Guillaume (William – Germanic): Alternate spelling of Guillaume
  93. Henri (Henry – Germanic): “Ruler of the home” 
  94. Hippolyte (Ἱππόλυτος – Greek): “Freer of horses” 
  95. Honoré (Honorius – Latin): “Honored, respected” 
  96. Hubert (Hubert – Germanic): “Bright mind” 
  97. Hugo (Hugh – Germanic): “Heart, mind, spirit” 
  98. Hugues (Hugh – Germanic): Variant of Hugo
  99. Isaac (יִצְחָק – Hebrew): “Laughter” 
  100. Ismaël (יִשְׁמָעֵאל – Hebrew): “God hears” 
  101. Jacques (Jacob – Hebrew): “Supplanter” 
  102. Jean (John – Hebrew): “God is gracious” 
  103. Jérôme (Hieronymus – Greek): “Sacred name” 
  104. Joseph (יוסף – Hebrew): “God will increase” 
  105. Julien (Julius – Latin): “Youthful” 
  106.  Laurent (Laurentius – Latin): “From Laurentum”
  107. Léon (Leo – Latin): “Lion” 
  108. Lionel (Lionel – Latin): Variant of Léon
  109. Louis (Louis – Germanic): “Renowned warrior” 
  110. Luc (Luke – Greek): “Light” 
  111. Lucas (Luke – Greek): Variant of Luc 
  112. Marcel (Marcellus – Latin): “Little warrior” 
  113. Marc (Marcus – Latin): “Warlike” 
  114. Mathieu (Matthew – Hebrew): “Gift of God”
  115. Maurice (Mauricius – Latin): “Dark-skinned” 
  116. Michel (מיכאל – Hebrew): “Who is like God?”
  117. Nicolas (Νικόλαος – Greek): “Victory of the people” 
  118. Olivier (Oliver – Latin): “Olive tree” 
  119. Pascal (Paschalis – Latin): “Easter child”
  120. Patrice (Patricius – Latin): “Noble” 
  121. Paul (Paulus – Latin): “Small” 
  122. Philippe (Philippos – Greek): “Lover of horses”

Modern Variations in Male French Names:

Here are the list of modern male french names with meanings:

  1. Alexis (defender, protector) – A strong and popular name with Greek origins.
  2. Armand (soldier) – A classic name with a renewed sense of strength and masculinity.
  3. Arnaud (eagle power) – A mighty name evoking the image of a soaring eagle.
  4. Augustin (excellent) – An alternative meaning of Augustin, emphasizing grandeur and importance.
  5. Axel (father’s peace) – A name suggesting peace and family connection.
  6. Basile (kingly) – A majestic name for a boy destined for great things.
  7. Bastien (esteemed) – A classic French name with a timeless elegance.
  8. Benjamin (son of the right hand) – A name signifying favor and importance.
  9. Brieuc (powerful chief) – A Breton name with a sense of leadership and strength.
  10. Cédric (kindred) – A name emphasizing family and belonging.
  11. Clément (mild, gentle) – A calming name for a peaceful and kind boy.
  12. Corentin (sea) – A Breton name evoking the beauty and power of the ocean.
  13. Dorian (gift of the sea) – A name with a touch of Greek mythology and connection to the sea.
  14. Élio (Yahweh is my God) – A Hebrew name with a strong religious meaning.
  15. Eliott (Yahweh is God) – A variation of Élio with a modern twist.
  16. Enzo (ruler of the house) – A Germanic name gaining popularity in France with a sense of leadership.
  17. Enzo (sword point) – Another meaning of Enzo, highlighting strength and determination.
  18. Erwan (sea battle) – A Breton name signifying strength and bravery.
  19. Ethan (strong, enduring) – A global name with a Hebrew origin, increasingly popular in France.
  20. Evan (God is gracious) – A name with Hebrew and Welsh roots, offering a touch of mystery.
  21. Fabrice (artisan) – A name with a unique charm, highlighting craftsmanship and skill.
  22. Faustin (favorable, lucky) – A name signifying good fortune and blessings.
  23. Félix (lucky, happy) – A classic French name with a bright and cheerful meaning.
  24. Florian (flourishing) – A name suggesting prosperity and success.
  25. Gabin (from Gabinium) – A Roman name with a vintage feel, gaining popularity in France.
  26. Gaspard (treasurer) – A name with an exotic Persian origin, signifying wealth and value.
  27. Gautier (army ruler) – A mighty name evoking leadership and military prowess.
  28. Grégoire (watchful, vigilant) – A name suggesting alertness and intelligence.
  29. Hadrien (dark) – A name with mystery and sophistication.
  30. Hugo (heart, mind, spirit) – A classic French name with a literary connection to Victor Hugo.
  31. Ilan (tree) – A Hebrew name strongly connected to nature.
  32. Jules (youthful, jovial) – Additional meanings of Jules, suggesting a youthful spirit and cheerfulness.
  33. Jules (youthful) – A name associated with Jules Verne, a renowned French science fiction writer.
  34. Killian (little warrior) – A Celtic name with a sense of strength and bravery.
  35. Kylian (church) – A name with a religious connotation, gaining popularity in France.
  36. Léo (lion of God) – A mighty combination name, signifying strength and divine connection.
  37. Liam (determined protector) – An elaboration on the meaning of Liam, highlighting his protective nature.
  38. Liam (protector) – A popular global name with Irish origins.
  39. Loïc (famous warrior) – A Breton name suggesting strength and glory in battle.
  40. Loris (little laurel) – A name with a victorious connotation, laurel being a symbol of triumph.
  41. Louis (renowned warrior) – A traditional French name with a long history of royalty.
  42. Lucas (from Lucania) – A global name with a Latin origin, meaning “light” or “shining one.”
  43. Maël (prince) – A Breton name suggesting nobility and leadership.
  44. Malo (chieftain) – A Breton name with a strong sense of leadership and authority.
  45. Malo (prince, blessed) – Additional meanings of Malo, suggesting nobility and divine favor.
  46. Marius (martial, manly) – Further meanings of Marius, emphasizing his masculine qualities.
  47. Marius (warlike) – A Roman name with a historical and masculine feel.
  48. Martin (martial) – A name associated with the Roman god Mars, signifying strength and war.
  49. Mathis (gift of Yahweh) – Another variation of Mathis, specifying the Hebrew God.
  50. Mattéo (gift of God) – Italian variation of Mathis, focusing on the divine gift.
  51. Maxence (greatest) – A name suggesting exceptional qualities and high potential.
  52. Milo (soldier, merciful) – A Germanic name with a sense of strength and compassion.
  53. Noah (rest, peace) – A global name with a Hebrew origin, signifying peace and tranquility.
  54. Noé (rest, peace) – French variation of Noah.
  55. Nolan (champion) – A name of Irish origin, signifying victory and leadership.
  56. Nolan (champion) – A name of Irish origin, signifying victory and leadership.
  57. Octave (eighth) – A name with a unique sound, suggesting a connection to music and harmony.
  58. Oscar (champion warrior) – A name with Celtic origins, signifying strength and victory.
  59. Oscar (deer warrior) – An alternative meaning of Oscar, connecting him to the swiftness and agility of a deer.
  60. Paul (small) – A classic name with a surprising meaning, suggesting humility or preciousness.
  61. Raphaël (God has healed) – A Hebrew name with a strong religious connotation, signifying healing and grace.
  62. Raphaël (God has healed) – Another alternate spelling of Raphaël, showcasing variations.
  63. Rayan (door of God) – An Arabic name gaining popularity in France, with a spiritual meaning.
  64. Robin (bright fame) – A Germanic name with a cheerful meaning, signifying success and recognition.
  65. Romain (from Rome) – A name evoking the grandeur and history of the Roman Empire.
  66. Sacha (defender of mankind) – A name with Russian origins, signifying protection and strength.
  67. Samuel (God has heard) – A Hebrew name with a strong religious meaning, signifying divine favor.
  68. Samuel (heard by God) – A refined meaning of Samuel, emphasizing God’s presence.
  69. Soan (God is gracious) – A name of Hebrew origin, with a similar meaning to Jean (John).
  70. Sohan (beautiful) – A name of Indian origin, gaining popularity in France with its positive meaning.
  71. Swann (swan) – A name with a poetic touch, symbolizing elegance and grace.
  72. Théo (gift from God) – A more straightforward meaning of Théo, focusing on the divine aspect.
  73. Théo (gift of God) – A short and sweet name with a strong religious meaning.
  74. Théodore (gift of God) – A more elaborate version of Théo, with the same meaning.
  75. Thibault (brave people) – A name signifying courage and belonging to a strong community.
  76. Thibault (people’s bold ruler) – An elaboration on Thibault’s meaning, highlighting his leadership qualities.
  77. Timothée (honoring Yahweh) – Another variation of Timothée, specifying the Hebrew God.
  78. Tom (faithful twin) – An additional meaning of Tom, suggesting loyalty and companionship.
  79. Tom (twin) – A global name with a short and friendly feel.
  80. Valentin (vigorous, robust) – Emphasizing Valentin’s physical strength with these synonyms.
  81. Valérian (strong, healthy) – A name with a similar meaning to Valentin, but with a slightly different sound.
  82. Victor (conqueror, victorious) – Variations of Victor, reinforcing his triumphant nature.
  83. Vincent (conquering, winning) – Similar to Victor, highlighting Vincent’s winning spirit.
  84. Vincent (conquering) – A name with a similar meaning to Victor, but with a more active connotation.
  85. Virgile (staff bearer) – A name with a historical connection to the Roman poet Virgil.
  86. Yanis (God is gracious) – A Greek variation of Jean (John), with a similar meaning.
  87. Yoann (God is gracious) – Another variation of Jean (John), with a modern twist.
  88. Zacharie (remembered by God) – A Hebrew name with a strong religious meaning, signifying divine remembrance.
  89. Zélie (jealous) – Though traditionally feminine, Zélie is gaining popularity as a masculine name with a bold and unique sound.
  90. Aaron (mountain of light) – A Hebrew name with a strong and positive meaning, suggesting enlightenment and strength.
  91. Eléa (God is my God) – A name with a religious connotation, gaining popularity in France for its masculine sound despite its feminine origin.
  92. Naël (God is with us) – A Hebrew name with a spiritual meaning, signifying divine presence and comfort.
  93. Nolan (famous) – An alternative meaning of Nolan, emphasizing his recognition and potential for greatness.
  94. Sullyvan (dark eyed) – A Celtic name with a unique and mysterious feel, suggesting depth and intrigue.
  95. Timéo (honoring God) – A variation of Timothée with a more modern and trendy feel.
  96. Ugo (mind, spirit) – An Italian variation of Hugo, focusing on the intellectual and spiritual aspects.
  97. Zéphir (west wind) – A name connected to nature, symbolizing gentleness and change.
  98. Élio (Yahweh is my God) – Though traditionally spelled Élian, this spelling offers a more modern and streamlined option with the same meaning.


There are a lot of different types of male French names, from sweet to natural to modern. 

Anyone can choose a French name they like, whether they like Louis’s classic beauty or Raphael’s literary charm. 

Every name is a symbol of beauty and charm. 

You surely want to give your child a French-sounding name because you like the way it looks or sounds.

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Maxwell Garcia

Maxwell Garcia

Maxwell Garcia, the creative force behind 20000 Names, is dedicated to unraveling the fascinating stories behind names. As both owner and author, Maxwell brings a unique perspective and a wealth of knowledge to the exploration of diverse naming traditions. Join him on a journey through the rich tapestry of names from around the world.

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